Archives: Services

Choosing Your Minister

What is settled ministry? What are the benefits? Reverend Frieda Gillespie will be leading a “Call Sermon” to help us understand more about what it means to have a settled minister.  Rev Frieda is knowledgeable about our congregation from serving as our Transitional Minister 2014 – 2016.  

The Gospel According to Elandria: Liberation, Embodiment, & The Power of We

Elandria Williams was a true luminary of our faith, a black woman, lifelong Unitarian Universalist, and inspirational force for the countless people she touched along the long track of her service to this tradition. From parishioner, to social justice organizer, to co-moderator of the denomination; exploring her passionate theologies of embodiment, liberation, and love in … Continue reading The Gospel According to Elandria: Liberation, Embodiment, & The Power of We

Justice: Privilege, Perception, & The Spiritual Practice of P.R.I. (Video)

The path of pluralism which leads to Beloved Community must be paved by acts of justice, great and small. This is practical work, human work, but it is no less a spiritual undertaking. Not long ago this congregation opted to make the building a more loving place by installing upstairs bathrooms. This Sunday, let us … Continue reading Justice: Privilege, Perception, & The Spiritual Practice of P.R.I. (Video)

Roses for Mrs. Jeffrey

In this time of progressive unlearnings and regressive book bannings, Unitarian Universalist history calls us to amplify the work of our foreparents with enthusiastic care. In that spirit, seminarian Meghan Garvey is overjoyed to join us and share a reflection on the legacy of their hometown UU ancestor, Hester C. Whitehurst Jeffrey: a critical yet … Continue reading Roses for Mrs. Jeffrey

Imbolc: Brigid Ambue and Restorative Justice (Video)

As we break into our February theme of Justice, we enter into the days of Imbolc; a traditional Gaelic holiday celebrated by many pagan communities as the time of veneration for Brigid, triple goddess of smithcraft, poetry, and healing. Among her many monikers, this deity has also been known as Brigid Ambue, or Brigid of … Continue reading Imbolc: Brigid Ambue and Restorative Justice (Video)

Liberation and Letting Go: Hadewijch and the Divine Abyss of Love (Video)

For the 13th century Beguine mystic and poet Hadewijch of Antwerp, Love is all there is. Love is the ground of being and the only way by which we may truly know the world. What might we glean from such a take on ultimacy? This Sunday, let’s take a plunge into the divine abyss of … Continue reading Liberation and Letting Go: Hadewijch and the Divine Abyss of Love (Video)