Speaker: Ashleigh Fuson
Ashleigh Fuson serves as our director of religious education at Second Unitarian Church of Omaha.
Join us as we celebrate the start of a new year for Religious Education. Religious Education is not just for children! We will hold our annual Backpack Blessing during the service! Students should bring their backpacks and educators their work bags or laptops to be filled with love and blessings from the congregation as we … Continue reading Celebrating Religious Education
Please join us for this very special service led by the youth of YRUU from First & Second Unitarian churches. One of the most difficult parts of growing up is learning how to let go of childhood while staying connected to those who nurtured our growth. We will enjoy special music selections and hear reflections … Continue reading Growing Up
Please join us this Sunday as we celebrate our volunteers!! Come be a part of our avalanche of appreciation for those who selflessly give their time, talents, and treasure to Second Unitarian Church. This is a service that promises to be fun for all ages with special musical guests from the A Street Band. Join … Continue reading The Work of Heart
UU the Vote was imagined as an “all hands on deck” project to articulate UU values in the public square and activate and organize Unitarian Universalists on a mass scale. It was motivated by two primary objectives: Responding to the moral call to combat the rise of white supremacy and fascism and imagine a just … Continue reading UU the Vote
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you game be something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in…” (Matthew 25:35) Research tells us that the joy of giving stays with us longer than the joy of receiving! This Sunday we will share in … Continue reading Stranger, Share Our Fire
Join us this Sunday as we explore the spiritual aspects of Cultivating Relationships.
As we gather the pieces and fold the board on June’s theme of Play we have the opportunity to examine the rules; how do they enhance our play, do we really need them, and why is it so much fun to break them?
With music, poetry and candlelight we will share together the hope of Christmas Eve. Please bring a candle and matches or a lighter with you to 2U Zoom church for this service.