Religious Education for Children and Youth

- Are listened to, valued and encouraged toward their better selves.
- Explore religious ideas together and reflect thoughtfully on their meaning.
- See and live UU core values in action.
- Find comfort, joy and wisdom in our shared UU stories, rituals, worship, and celebrations.
- Are empowered to think critically to discern their personal beliefs and live their values.
Learn why a parent chose Second Unitarian for her child
Core Elements of Our Children’s Religious Education
We know today’s families lead busy lives. So, we offer several different ways to help children develop their faith:
- All-Ages Worship Services
- First-of-the-Month Sundays
- Faith Development at Home
Whether your child’s faith development occurs through one or all three of these avenues, all are based on our Soul Matters monthly themes. Here is some more information about each of these.
Sunday Mornings
We all need a Beloved Community where we “belong,” and a community of good role models in life. We also need special time with our peers of similar age. That’s why we offer both our All-Ages Worship Services and our First-of-the-Month children’s curriculum.
All-Ages Worship Services
We welcome people of all ages and abilities to be part of our Beloved Community on Sundays. Our worship services are designed to engage all ages through music, videos and stories. Children participate in Sunday rituals such as lighting the chalice or sharing a joy or sorrow. And we provide activities in the sanctuary for busy hands and active imaginations.
First-of-the-Month Sundays
On the first Sunday of the month, while parents worship upstairs, we introduce children to the monthly theme. This is a special time with stories and activities downstairs with their age peers.
Faith Development at Home
Our RE program also aims to support your child’s primary religious educator…YOU! It has long been recognized that parents and families play a significant role in faith development. We can provide resources to help you develop faith-building rituals and celebrations at home, as fits into your lifestyle.
Please reach out to Ashleigh Fuson, our director of religious education (DRE), at for more information about any of our children’s programs.
We Also Offer…
Beyond our core children’s religious education, we offer teen ministry programs and age-appropriate UU sexuality education.
Teen Ministry
Young Religious Unitarian Universalists (YRUU)
YRUU is a combined group of youth from First and Second Omaha Unitarian Churches. Youth are in 7th-12th grades and love the acceptance and belonging this group provides. Youth are free to be themselves in a truly supportive and fun community. Adult advisers guide them in areas of community building, social action, worship, learning, leadership, and congregational involvement. The group meets September to May on Wednesday evenings.
Coming of Age (CoA)
We provide 8th through 10th grade youth, as enrollment allows, the opportunity to explore their beliefs and write a Credo: a statement of belief. CoA youth meet collectively and individually with an adult mentor, with whom they are matched as the program commences.
Our Whole Lives (OWL)
Honest, accurate information about sexuality changes lives. It dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships, improves decision making, and has the potential to save lives. For these reasons and more, we are proud to offer Our Whole Lives (OWL), a comprehensive, lifespan sexuality education curricula. Rigorously trained, vetted and certified facilitators periodically teach these age-appropriate series to various age groups: grades K-1st, 5th-6th, and 7th-9th.
An Emphasis on Safety
Finally, we adhere to certain safety protocols, like two-person teaching teams and full background checks for all our volunteers and staff.
If you have questions about any of our programs, please reach out to Ashleigh Fuson, our director of religious education (DRE), at