Archives: Services

The Power of Pluralism

The Power of Pluralism: Community Organizing and Spiritual Practice For many, if not most Unitarian Universalists, social justice is held as a profound expression of spirituality; an inheritance of change making lovingly carried to this day. For all our passion for the cause, how much do we know about the motions of movements? This Sunday, … Continue reading The Power of Pluralism

Love’s Demands

Meeting the Moment: Love’s Demands As Unitarian Universalists we affirm the right of free speech and the use of democratic processes both within our congregations and in society at large. While our principles may have recently changed, this remains true, and so it is likely the case that many of us are feeling shaken and … Continue reading Love’s Demands

To Save the Earth

How does one persevere in the face of the wicked problems of our day? The mounting complexity of the world reveals itself like a many headed hydra whose body is hard to discern beneath the writhing mass of troubles. While we may not individually have the resources to tip the scales we may consider the … Continue reading To Save the Earth

Weaving Our Lives

This Sunday, we will be sharing the worship video from the UUA General Assembly’s Sunday Service, “Weaving Our Lives”. We are all tangled up together in a great web of life that is woven with beauty and hardship, love and loss, thriving and struggle. How do we tend well to the weaving so that all … Continue reading Weaving Our Lives

Father’s Day and Renewing Masculinity

Celebrate Father’s Day with us this Sunday, as Rev. Juniper Meadows offers a homily on renewing masculinity. She will be joined by three of our congregation’s fathers, who will reflect on what being a father means to them.  

Eco-theologies (Video)

In our fast paced consumer driven culture it can be hard to really figure out what it means to belong to a place. This Sunday, let us renew our connection to the land and open our senses to the language of a living earth; the one singing, signing, and speaking … Continue reading

Memorial Day

Unitarian Universalists are a diverse bunch with different beliefs, but we generally hold to the idea that nobody wins in the waging of war. Nonetheless, many of us have served, are serving, or know someone who served. Some of us loved someone who lost their lives in service. On Memorial Day, the United States honors … Continue reading Memorial Day