Archives: Services

Christmas Eve Hymn (and Carol) Sing

We will lift our voices and stir up the Christmas spirit. Special guest musician Bob Fuson will be leading us in joyous song, to be followed by snacks, warm beverages, and fellowship.  This service is in-person only.

Bodhi Day (Video)

Bodhi Day marks the annual celebration of the day Siddhartha Gautama reached enlightenment, thus ushering Buddhism into the world. Today Buddhism is a true world religion, plentiful with regional and cultural variations, practices, and beliefs. As we deepen our explorations in Presence this month, let us gather to reflect on this living tradition and it’s … Continue reading Bodhi Day (Video)

Pearls of Wisdom

This Sunday we celebrate a multitude of voices from the congregation, including reflections from Pete Miller, Sue Aschinger, and Darrel Draper. Join us as we gather to hear from these treasured members as they share some of what they have learned along the way. We welcome you this Sunday for an opportunity to hear from some of … Continue reading Pearls of Wisdom


Fear, grief, anger; these are natural expressions of the human condition. We react, we experience, we feel this world before we know it, but today we know this world to be in dire need of redirection. Perhaps we are feeling a little lost ourselves. For all who carry a heavy heart or a worried mind, … Continue reading Sanctuary

Justice Through Creativity

Rev. Clovice Lewis invites the congregation on a journey of ‘creative repair,’ using art as a means to mend personal and societal fractures. Speaking from his new home in Panama, he reflects on how political and racial tensions in the United States led him to seek peace abroad, while still advocating for social justice from … Continue reading Justice Through Creativity