Speaker: Worship Committee

Love’s Demands

Meeting the Moment: Love’s Demands As Unitarian Universalists we affirm the right of free speech and the use of democratic processes both within our congregations and in society at large. While our principles may have recently changed, this remains true, and so it is likely the case that many of us are feeling shaken and … Continue reading Love’s Demands

Are you Listening?

This Sunday, we share a sermon from Rev. David Ruffin, “Are you Listening?” as we begin July’s exploration of the theme of Compassion. Rev. Ruffin posits that “listening can be an act of love that can bring us and our world much needed peace.” Deeply listening to one another – and to ourselves – can truly … Continue reading Are you Listening?

Praying With Our Everything: Social Justice As Spiritual Practice

The life of faith is always a life of alternatives; perspectives born out of insights gleaned in relationship with fellow seekers. This is particularly true within Unitarian Universalism, this Living Tradition we celebrate which places no small call upon us, both in our principles and in our legacy, to be a prophetic church whose spirit … Continue reading Praying With Our Everything: Social Justice As Spiritual Practice

Hidden Blessings

Today’s service is presented by members of the Second Unitarian Dementia Caregivers’ Support Group. The dementia journey is one of heartbreak and challenge. But as with any difficult journey, whether of our own choosing or one that is thrust upon us, there are often unexpected moments of joy, profound beauty, or sparks of insight, to … Continue reading Hidden Blessings

Love At Our Center: An Exploration of Teachings On Compassion

Concluding our January theme of Finding Our Center, I’m drawn to the deliberate analogy contained in the proposed UU Values. As we look towards the future of our liberal tradition, we are being called to put Love at the center of our values. Let’s explore this new framing and contemplate attitudes we might adopt to … Continue reading Love At Our Center: An Exploration of Teachings On Compassion

On Empathy: The Practice of Widening Our Hearts to Include The Pain of Others 

This joint worship service between First Unitarian and Second Unitarian explores how we practice empathy.  As we intentionally study and learn about Widening Our Circle of Concern in our congregations, we must focus on changing ourselves so that we together can create a community that is truly inclusive.  A Tapestry of Faith workshop asks this … Continue reading On Empathy: The Practice of Widening Our Hearts to Include The Pain of Others 

2021 Gratitude Homily

Join us for this service featuring Susan Frederick-Gray, president of the Unitarian Universalist Association. We will explore our monthly theme – Living with Intention.

Our Voices, Our World

To close out this year of 2021, our service centers around the creative voices of members of our congregation, past and present. Join us at 10:30 for this celebration of the season of Joy as we look forward to the new year.”

The 8th Principle Service

Join us for a joint service between First Unitarian and Second Unitarian as we start the discernment about embracing the 8th principle. Paula Cole Jones, organizer of the 8th Principle Project, realized after working with many UU congregations that a person can believe they are being a “good UU” and following the 7 Principles without … Continue reading The 8th Principle Service

Who Is The Village?

This Sunday concludes our series “The Power of the Village” as we look at how we come together as a beloved community, working together in mutual support and encouragement. Examining the final theme from our Meaning and Purpose work, Organizational Structure, we consider ways of joining our collective energies to make a difference in our … Continue reading Who Is The Village?