Love’s Demands

Meeting the Moment: Love’s Demands

As Unitarian Universalists we affirm the right of free speech and the use of democratic processes both within our congregations and in society at large. While our principles may have recently changed, this remains true, and so it is likely the case that many of us are feeling shaken and disturbed by the attack on a Trump rally on July 13th.

This Sunday, let us gather to take the measure of our Love, our Power, and our capacity to Witness at such times. Rev. Juniper will be leaving us a pre-recorded message as she is out for the week attending a training in Denver. As we meet this Sunday, let us join in our denominations’ call to denounce such heinous actions, demand stronger regulation for firearms, expand resources aiding those in crisis, and do the work of discerning the demands of Love; that beating heart of our faith. Together, may we take a breath, reflect, and be in that spirit of Advent awaiting emerging facts while avoiding the rush of speculation and wild conjecture. We are made for these times.

NOTE: While this service will be designed for all ages, we will be touching on some heavier topics, namely gun control, political violence, and the erosion of democratic institutions. We never aim to end on a note of despair and hope all of our friends join us in person or online, but we nonetheless want those who gather with us to be informed and able to take care of their hearts, minds, and bodies.

PARENTS: We will have a game day downstairs if you wish to attend the service, but do not want your child to.

Join us in person or via Zoom.