Archives: Services

Eco-theologies (Video)

In our fast paced consumer driven culture it can be hard to really figure out what it means to belong to a place. This Sunday, let us renew our connection to the land and open our senses to the language of a living earth; the one singing, signing, and speaking … Continue reading

Memorial Day

Unitarian Universalists are a diverse bunch with different beliefs, but we generally hold to the idea that nobody wins in the waging of war. Nonetheless, many of us have served, are serving, or know someone who served. Some of us loved someone who lost their lives in service. On Memorial Day, the United States honors … Continue reading Memorial Day

Tongues of Fire: Pentecost, Pluralism, & The Power of Malcolm X (Video)

The story of Pentecost in the Christian tradition tells of how the apostles, following the death of Jesus, were suffused with power from on high to prophesy. All were suddenly able to speak and be heard regardless of language barriers. It is in a similar vein one might consider the prophetic power of Malcolm X, … Continue reading Tongues of Fire: Pentecost, Pluralism, & The Power of Malcolm X (Video)

Article II, 2U and You (Video)

Article II of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Bylaws, which lists our UU Principles, Purposes and Sources, is in the process of being overhauled. What role does Article II play in our spiritual life and our identity as Unitarian Universalists? This Sunday Tom Peterson will take a look back at where Article II has been … Continue reading Article II, 2U and You (Video)

The Living Promise: Interdependence & The Practice of Covenanting

Few acts are as central to the Unitarian Universalist tradition than the covenant. This collective act of laying down a living promise regarding how we choose to act and who we choose to be distinguishes this faith from creedal and dogmatic traditions. The covenants we keep serve to hold us to the Love we would … Continue reading The Living Promise: Interdependence & The Practice of Covenanting

Rewilding the Heart: Interdependence and The Benefits of Touching Grass (Video)

Few things plague our society more than the pandemics of loneliness and estrangement from the more than human world. We may have become, in a word, denatured. Disconnected from the more-than-human-world and perhaps dislocated from the broader web of existence, lost in the late-capitalist myth of individualism. We are made to be together, risen up … Continue reading Rewilding the Heart: Interdependence and The Benefits of Touching Grass (Video)

We Would Be One: Justice for Palestine & the Spirit of Ramadan (Video)

This evening we will welcome friends from Nebraskans For Palestine for an Iftar Ramadan Potluck and an exploration of grief in the living wake of the horrors unfolding in Gaza. In that spirit, let us prepare our hearts and expand our understanding. We will explore the spiritual fruits of Islam, the meaning of Ramadan, and … Continue reading We Would Be One: Justice for Palestine & the Spirit of Ramadan (Video)