Flower Communion
Join us this Sunday for the UU tradition of Flower Communion. You are welcome to bring a flower to share. Join us in person or via Zoom.
Join us this Sunday for the UU tradition of Flower Communion. You are welcome to bring a flower to share. Join us in person or via Zoom.
This Sunday, we will be sharing the worship video from the UUA General Assembly’s Sunday Service, “Weaving Our Lives”. We are all tangled up together in a great web of life that is woven with beauty and hardship, love and loss, thriving and struggle. How do we tend well to the weaving so that all … Continue reading Weaving Our Lives
Celebrate Father’s Day with us this Sunday, as Rev. Juniper Meadows offers a homily on renewing masculinity. She will be joined by three of our congregation’s fathers, who will reflect on what being a father means to them.
In our fast paced consumer driven culture it can be hard to really figure out what it means to belong to a place. This Sunday, let us renew our connection to the land and open our senses to the language of a living earth; the one singing, signing, and speaking … Continue reading
These past several weeks have presented us with a rash of violent weather. Something primal turns within the whirlwind and turns us back to the old, ancient question: Why do these things happen? … Continue reading
Unitarian Universalists are a diverse bunch with different beliefs, but we generally hold to the idea that nobody wins in the waging of war. Nonetheless, many of us have served, are serving, or know someone who served. Some of us loved someone who lost their lives in service. On Memorial Day, the United States honors … Continue reading Memorial Day
The story of Pentecost in the Christian tradition tells of how the apostles, following the death of Jesus, were suffused with power from on high to prophesy. All were suddenly able to speak and be heard regardless of language barriers. It is in a similar vein one might consider the prophetic power of Malcolm X, … Continue reading Tongues of Fire: Pentecost, Pluralism, & The Power of Malcolm X (Video)
Please join us for this very special service led by the youth of YRUU from First & Second Unitarian churches. One of the most difficult parts of growing up is learning how to let go of childhood while staying connected to those who nurtured our growth. We will enjoy special music selections and hear reflections … Continue reading Growing Up
May begins our exploration of Pluralism, an ethic of intentionally welcoming a diverse cast of people and elevating the fruits that can only emerge amongst people sharing community while carrying different experiences, backgrounds, identities, abilities, ages, and perspectives…Continue reading
Article II of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Bylaws, which lists our UU Principles, Purposes and Sources, is in the process of being overhauled. What role does Article II play in our spiritual life and our identity as Unitarian Universalists? This Sunday Tom Peterson will take a look back at where Article II has been … Continue reading Article II, 2U and You (Video)