Topic: Compassion

A Candle in The Dark: Compassion and Mental Health (Video)

We are no strangers to the dark parts and the low lands. Many of us have grappled with mental illness, either within ourselves, with family, or friends. The manifestations are manifold, overwhelming in variety and often difficult to diagnose or treat. Many of us cannot hope for a cure and must learn to live with … Continue reading A Candle in The Dark: Compassion and Mental Health (Video)

Love Makes a Fist (Video)

There is a line between niceties and the true fruits of compassion. The former is cheap politeness. The latter is the raw stuff of community and healing, the everyday magic of companionship and kindness that inspires acts of real Love. Sometimes that Love doesn’t look pleasant or polite. Sometimes it’s downright rude, but for the … Continue reading Love Makes a Fist (Video)

Empathy Under Empire

When countering fascism turns acts of daily life into civil disobedience, how can we lean on the principles of civil disobedience to thrive? Seminarian Meghan Garvey will lead us to explore how the principle of “revolutionary grace” can anchor Unitarian Universalists as we continue working to be free.  

Are you Listening?

This Sunday, we share a sermon from Rev. David Ruffin, “Are you Listening?” as we begin July’s exploration of the theme of Compassion. Rev. Ruffin posits that “listening can be an act of love that can bring us and our world much needed peace.” Deeply listening to one another – and to ourselves – can truly … Continue reading Are you Listening?

The New Normal

With Rev. Edith A. Loves’ permission, we will present a recorded sermon she delivered to the Greater Nashville UU Congregation on May 24, 2020. Rev. Love writes, “I hear many suggesting it is time soon to ‘go back to normal,’ but I wonder, what does that mean? And do we really want to? Let’s explore … Continue reading The New Normal