Speaker: Rev. Juniper Meadows

Rev. Juniper Meadows has served as our minister since May 2022.

What Side Are You On?: Righteous Resistance in Rural Appalachia

Our congregation has some strong connections to the South Eastern United States. Both Rev. Juniper and our DRE Ashleigh have ties to Southern Appalachia. As we mark Earth Day in this month of Resistance,  let us explore some of the history born out of those far away hills and hollars; a legacy of folks living … Continue reading What Side Are You On?: Righteous Resistance in Rural Appalachia

Fools for Love 

Every Sunday, Rev. Juniper wraps up worship with a benediction, usually saying something like “Let us be Fools for Love and Pilgrims for Justice.” As we enter into our April theme of Resistance, let us begin by exploring that old archetype of the holy fool, satirists and seekers who may show us new ways of … Continue reading Fools for Love 


In fits and starts the earth turns toward Spring; flowers soon to be gracing the low places and high places filled with bird song. This Sunday let us explore the turnings of the Earth that hint towards spring time as we lift up Ostara; that point of the wheel of the year marking the Spring … Continue reading Ostara

The Gift of Receiving

It can be hard to ask for help sometimes. Why is that? Perhaps we worry we might feel ashamed or judged. Perhaps we want to prove something, to make a point about our own capacities, our own resilience and tenacity. What would happen if we took the risk and not only asked for help but … Continue reading The Gift of Receiving

The Wounded Healer

In the course of living, at some point, we get hurt. Through our hurt, even as we heal, we may continue to grow differently. To paraphrase Thomas Moore, We may take on depth of color and range of feeling. Our intelligence may now more deeply be rooted and not dependent only on facts and reason. … Continue reading The Wounded Healer

The Home That Love Made

2nd Unitarian Church of Omaha has been a spiritual home for freedom loving folks seeking to live authentically, to seek the truth in Love, and to help their neighbor believe more fully in life since the 1970s. Through times of lean and times of plenty this community has demonstrated it’s staying power by the stewardship … Continue reading The Home That Love Made

Love, Rage, and Liberation: Black History and Unitarian Universalism

One could quite easily tell a complete story about the Civil Rights movement without mentioning the term “Unitarian Universalist”, but you would be unable to tell a complete story of our faith without mentioning the movement for Black Empowerment both within and outside of our Living Tradition. This Sunday, let us hear the story of … Continue reading Love, Rage, and Liberation: Black History and Unitarian Universalism

For Small Creatures Such as We

“…the vastness is bearable only through Love.” So writes the great cosmologist and science popularizer Carl Sagan in his science-fiction book “Contact”, a story exploring the implications of extraterrestrial communications with the human race and the rapid fire, overwhelming changes that may accompany such a signal. While our skies may yet be empty we nonetheless … Continue reading For Small Creatures Such as We