Fifty years ago today the Supreme Court of the United States of America sided 7 to 2 in favor of a person’s right to choose whether to terminate a pregnancy. This landmark decision was a major victory for Women’s Liberation, but it further underscored the fundamental right we all have to bodily autonomy and self-determination. … Continue reading Centered on Justice: Anniversary of Roe v. Wade (Video)
Our faith as we know it today first found it’s roots in the struggle for civil rights led by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and tomorrow these United States will observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day for the 40th time since being signed into law in 1983 by President Reagan. This Sunday, let us … Continue reading Centered on Justice: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
We call ourselves The Living Tradition. What does this mean? And for that matter what does it mean to be a Unitarian Universalist in 2023? We share many things; being covenanted communities, congregational polity, at least 7 principles and 6 sources enshrined within Article 2 of our denominational bylaws, but this has not always been … Continue reading The Living Tradition: Article 2 and U
This Sunday we stand just through the precipice, moving into the new year of 2023 and our theme for the month of January: the Center. Here at 2nd Unitarian we will be exploring the lore behind that old Roman God of beginnings, passageways, endings, and change; Janus, and the legacy this often underlooked figure has … Continue reading Janus: At the Doorway to the Center (Video)
The holiday seasons are many things to many people, a time to be with family for some, but not all of us have families to turn to during this time of celebration. There is a space for you here on Christmas morning to find fellowship with your 2U community in the round, to share stories … Continue reading A Blue Christmas
As the land turns to slumber for the season and the skies turn a wintery gray (though maybe not today!) some of us may begin to experience those symptoms of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). In times of trouble and uncertainty this can be especially true. What can we do to stave off the blues? How … Continue reading A Wonderful World (Video)
Behind our mother-image, our father-icons, beyond the impenetrable light of divine symbols and the darkness of our questions looms large a great mystery. A dark uncertainty has often been maligned in our modern, Western societies, but this has not always been so. For Saint Dionysus and other Christian mystics it was “the luminous Darkness”. Buddhist … Continue reading The Luminous Darkness (Video)
Few creatures embody transformation as much as those belonging to the order of Lepidoptera; our butterfly and moth friends. Though most have left our gardens by this point in the year, as we explore the paths to change let us peer inside the chrysalis and the cocoon to marvel at the wonders taking place right … Continue reading Ode to a Butterfly
“Give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”, so goes that old prayer often attributed to theologian Rheinhold Neibuhr, calling us to a deeper peace in the midst of strife. Serenity, courage, and wisdom: how may these … Continue reading Serenity and Change (Video)