Here on the precipice of election day, in a time when the very stuff of democracy is under attack, one has every right to feel very anxious about the future of the United States and our world at large. We Unitarian Universalists have long upheld democracy as sacred enough to enshrine in our principles, worthy … Continue reading Dynamics of Democracy
In our culture so in love with dualisms, courage is often thought of as the opposite of fear. Should we feel fear, we may tell ourselves that we are not brave, that courage is not within us, and so we may become that story. What if we told a new story? One where fear and … Continue reading The Courage to be Afraid: Samhain
Raimon Panikkar, known as “the apostle for interreligious dialogue,” uses a window as a metaphor to help deepen our understanding of “self” and “other.” How can Panikkar’s Window help us reflect on things differently? Join us as we explore this window, the light of our neighbor, the courage of the open heart in a special … Continue reading Window Into Light: Diwali and Interfaith Relationships
This Sunday only, the worship service will start a half hour earlier at 10 a.m. Join us at the Unitarian Church of Lincoln as we share our musical gifts with our friends at UCL in a joint worship service featuring the A Street Band and our very own Dulcet Singers! If you can’t attend the service in Lincoln … Continue reading Music Service at Lincoln
There is no doubt that the years have borne fruit in the quest for liberation sought by the broader LGBTQ+ community and our allies. As a community whose mission calls for authentic living, we stand on the shoulders of giants; brave souls who put their lives on the lines, who on occasion paid dearly for their transgression … Continue reading The Courage of Authenticity: LGBTQ+ Legacy
As the Wheel of the Year turns we have arrived in the boughs of Autumn and many of our earth-centered and pagan friends are observing the festival of Mabon. Sometimes referred to as the “Pagan Thanksgiving”, Mabon is a time for centering gratitude, setting intentions, and welcoming in the Autumn as a time for reduction, … Continue reading A Very Merry Mabon!
You’ve likely heard the words “Beloved Community” before. At the end of worship, Rev. Juniper often evokes this idea in her benediction “Let us rock, roll, and move towards that Beloved Community on the horizon.” Our congregation is beginning to reenter a period of study in anticipation of the 8th principle which also echoes this … Continue reading What is the Beloved Community?
Join 2nd Unitarian as we welcome our friends from the Lincoln Unitarian Church for a special collaborative Water Communion! Rev. Oscar Lewis of Lincoln and Rev. Juniper Meadows of Omaha will offer reflections and invite attendees to participate in our traditional Water Communion ritual. In person participants are invited to bring water with them to … Continue reading Water Communion
Language is often thought of in terms of speech or the written word; confined to the pen or the tongue. The capacity to communicate, however, resides not only in humans but in a luminous landscape of beings. Even we humans often communicate outside the bounds of speech and writing. Artists for example! Join us this … Continue reading The Luminous Language: Paint Communion
The mystics all seem to say essentially the same thing. Mystery, mystery, its mystery all the way down; an ineffable love that gets deeper the closer you look. Many of these mystics and spiritual mavericks found the capacity to communicate their revelations not in standard writing but in the elegant prose only afforded by poetry. … Continue reading Celebrating the Arts: The Magic of Poetry