Why do we play? Often, play is construed as a thing for children; idle fancies and wastes of time. In our culture so geared towards the grind, towards work for works own sake, it is absolutely vital that we tap into the stuff of play that sings in our primate hearts; reconnecting to the wonders … Continue reading Playful Spirits: Your Animal Heart
Here at 2nd Unitarian we have been asking ourselves “What are our values?” What are we about as a people here in this caravan of no-despair? There are movements in our denomination that might suggest an avenue towards centering a collective set of values. As our larger institution experiments and plays with possible futures, let … Continue reading The Living Tradition: Values
How does one live in the trouble? When laws and legal systems vilify your body and what you do with your body in the name of love, how do you survive? It is said that life without celebration is a long road without an inn, and as we are celebrating Omaha pride this week we … Continue reading Queer Joy: Glitter Communion
What is Real? Does it happen all at once or does it take some time to become Real? Does it hurt? This Sunday we explore that timeless work of Margery Williams Bianco, “The Velveteen Rabbit” published a century ago this year; treating this children’s story like a sacred text in it’s own right in our … Continue reading Playful Spirits: Rabbits and Realness
There is a wound on the heart of the land. Not new, but extremely palpable right now; burning with irony in the light of a 4th of July fireworks display as this country revels in freedom even as millions are losing access to life-saving healthcare. This Sunday is not a Sunday for nationalist glorification. This … Continue reading We Cry Freedom
What might a blessing truly be? Often it is construed as some supernatural help, but suppose we don’t particularly feel attuned to aid from beyond. What may a blessing be for us then? Might a blessing be something more fundamental; a swell of love, connection, and support that rises around us through the goodwill common … Continue reading Blessed Unrest: Movement & Miracles
As we enter into a glorious Pride Month, this Sunday of June 5th also marks the occurrence of Pentecost in the Christian liturgical calendar; a holy day written in the book of Acts when the disciples of Jesus received the direct experience of a transcendent mystery and wonder, nurturing their spiritual gifts and blessing them … Continue reading Pride and Pentecost: A Blessing of Hot Tongues
In times of trouble, turning to beauty can be a means of reconnecting to the source of life. Flowers have long been a symbol of joy amidst the low places; a gentle reminder of the enduring, sublime power of the Beautiful and it’s power to transform ecologies, touch hearts, and change lives. Join us this … Continue reading Flower Communion
Here we are in the heart of spring time leading into Summer. As we continue our exploration of beauty, let us reflect on the cathedral of nature; considering some of the bright and beautiful lessons we might glean from listening to the More-Than-Human-World.
This Sunday, as we rededicate our space with all it’s upgrades and open our doors to the community we are also formally welcoming our new minister, Rev. Juniper Meadows! Come hear some of her story, from street musician, to trans activist, to seminarian, to Second Unitarian and witness how a faith such as our with … Continue reading The Beauty That Binds Wounds: How This Faith Saved Me