Resilience Like a Mountain
What can help us to get through hard times? Perhaps, ‘thinking like a mountain’ can! It has to do with time. And rocks. And resilience.
What can help us to get through hard times? Perhaps, ‘thinking like a mountain’ can! It has to do with time. And rocks. And resilience.
Inspired by the words and music of Peter Mayer, this week’s sermon asks “What would it mean to live as though everything was holy?”
This Sunday we welcome our guest, the Reverend Oscar Sinclair to the pulpit. Rev. Sinclair is the minister at Lincoln Unitarian Church.
“If the only prayer you said in your life was ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” – Meister Eckhart Anita Jeck, Tom Peterson and Evelyn Turner will lead us through story and homily as we consider prayer as a way to express our gratitude and give our full attention to that which is important in our … Continue reading Prayers of the Earth
Join us as we explore
the Community of Belonging,
the Community of Healing,
and the Community of Possibility.
This Sunday we will have Whole Congregation Worship! Read More about this community-focused, delicious morning!
As we close out September’s theme of Expectation, Rev. Gretchen Haley explores the ways expectations are manifested in faith. “Most of us recognize this kind of moment – the hope of finally blossoming after holding our lives tight in a bud… we respond with yes, despite no new evidence, no change in fact of circumstances… … Continue reading Born of Bright Faith
Join us for this all-music worship service. Members and friends will share their talents, as we explore the creativity and spirituality of music.
Second Unitarian members June Jenn, Dave Jenkins and Lolly Anderson Thomas will describe their creative process in their respective artistic endeavors.
Photojournalist Mike Whye leads off this month’s exploration of the theme of Creativity with his thoughts on how he has learned to “See Things Another Way.”