Archives: Services

Accepting the Things You Can’t Change

We, as a community, are trying to find where we can impact change, and are looking for opportunities to uplift voices. Over the next three Sundays we will be exploring ways to think more clearly about what is, and is not within our power to change, all the while maintaining our authentic identities.

The New Normal

With Rev. Edith A. Loves’ permission, we will present a recorded sermon she delivered to the Greater Nashville UU Congregation on May 24, 2020. Rev. Love writes, “I hear many suggesting it is time soon to ‘go back to normal,’ but I wonder, what does that mean? And do we really want to? Let’s explore … Continue reading The New Normal

The Spiritual Practice of Sabbath (Video)

Now more than ever, it is important to keep Sabbath time for ourselves – and that is not necessarily about Sunday at all! How can we observe the Sabbath as an everyday spiritual practice? Join us as we welcome Rev. Diana McLean, minister of Peterborough UU Church in Peterborough, NH.

Resilience Like a Mountain

What can help us to get through hard times? Perhaps, ‘thinking like a mountain’ can! It has to do with time. And rocks. And resilience.  

Holy Now

Inspired by the words and music of Peter Mayer, this week’s sermon asks “What would it mean to live as though everything was holy?”  

Don’t Look Away

This Sunday we welcome our guest, the Reverend Oscar Sinclair to the pulpit. Rev. Sinclair is the minister at Lincoln Unitarian Church.

Prayers of the Earth

“If the only prayer you said in your life was ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” – Meister Eckhart Anita Jeck, Tom Peterson and Evelyn Turner will lead us through story and homily as we consider prayer as a way to express our gratitude and give our full attention to that which is important in our … Continue reading Prayers of the Earth