Archives: Services

Stranger, Share Our Fire

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,  I was thirsty and you game be something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in…” (Matthew 25:35) Research tells us that the joy of giving stays with us longer than the joy of receiving! This Sunday we will share in … Continue reading Stranger, Share Our Fire

United Nations Day

In celebration of UN Day, the Unitarian Universalist Office at the UN invites congregations and individual UUs to engage with the story of our global Unitarian and Unitarian Universalist faith by deepening their understanding of the United Nations and devoting one service in October to reaffirming the connections between our UU principles and the vital … Continue reading United Nations Day

The 8th Principle Service

Join us for a joint service between First Unitarian and Second Unitarian as we start the discernment about embracing the 8th principle. Paula Cole Jones, organizer of the 8th Principle Project, realized after working with many UU congregations that a person can believe they are being a “good UU” and following the 7 Principles without … Continue reading The 8th Principle Service

Celebrate with Music

Music is one of the oldest traditions of humanity. From 40,000 year old bone flutes to 4000 year old temples designed to amplify the amplify the voices of worshipers, music is intrinsically linked to human history and today we celebrate its spiritual power.  

Playing With the Rules

As we gather the pieces and fold the board on June’s theme of Play we have the opportunity to examine the rules; how do they enhance our play, do we really need them, and why is it so much fun to break them?

Outlining the Darkness with Light, or How I Sneak the Oneness into Young Adult Novels

Writer and teacher Kirstin Cronn-Mills will discuss how she makes sure her teen (and adult) readers leave her books with a tiny bit of hope. Cronn-Mills lives, writes, and teaches in southern Minnesota and is the author of four novels, one of which is set in a fictional version of her hometown, and one of … Continue reading Outlining the Darkness with Light, or How I Sneak the Oneness into Young Adult Novels