Racism, Pedagogy, Personal Transformation and Activism
Racism, Pedagogy, Personal Transformation and Activism
Racism, Pedagogy, Personal Transformation and Activism
Join us for a joint service between First Unitarian and Second Unitarian as we start the discernment about embracing the 8th principle. Paula Cole Jones, organizer of the 8th Principle Project, realized after working with many UU congregations that a person can believe they are being a “good UU” and following the 7 Principles without … Continue reading The 8th Principle Service
Music is one of the oldest traditions of humanity. From 40,000 year old bone flutes to 4000 year old temples designed to amplify the amplify the voices of worshipers, music is intrinsically linked to human history and today we celebrate its spiritual power.
As we gather the pieces and fold the board on June’s theme of Play we have the opportunity to examine the rules; how do they enhance our play, do we really need them, and why is it so much fun to break them?
Writer and teacher Kirstin Cronn-Mills will discuss how she makes sure her teen (and adult) readers leave her books with a tiny bit of hope. Cronn-Mills lives, writes, and teaches in southern Minnesota and is the author of four novels, one of which is set in a fictional version of her hometown, and one of … Continue reading Outlining the Darkness with Light, or How I Sneak the Oneness into Young Adult Novels
This Sunday concludes our series “The Power of the Village” as we look at how we come together as a beloved community, working together in mutual support and encouragement. Examining the final theme from our Meaning and Purpose work, Organizational Structure, we consider ways of joining our collective energies to make a difference in our … Continue reading Who Is The Village?
A collaborative service of Omaha UU churches, with Rev. Shari Woodbury As members of First Unitarian and Second Unitarian join together for a participatory celebration of Earth Day, we continue exploring our April theme of Becoming: the practice of no longer hiding. What might it mean to stop hiding from climate change – and not … Continue reading Rising Green
Being a covenantal community is practice for working to change the larger world. It requires a commitment to learning a counter-cultural skill set. How can we hold one another in accountability and compassion?
In 2021, the annual 30 Days of Love celebration centers four themes from Widening the Circle of Concern, a report from the Commission on Institutional Change. This UUA Board-commissioned group was charged with researching, reporting, and making recommendations for transforming white supremacy and other oppressions in the institutional history and practices of the UUA and … Continue reading Side with Love Sunday
I was living Unitarian Universalism’s fourth principal long before I had ever heard of Unitarian Universalism. I will tell you about my “free and responsible search for truth and meaning” as far back as I can remember. I have always loved to wonder and imagine about God, the Universe, the intricate patterns on a leaf … Continue reading The Imagination of an Agnostic (Video)