Archives: Services

For the Beauty of the Earth

Here we are in the heart of spring time leading into Summer. As we continue our exploration of beauty, let us reflect on the cathedral of nature; considering some of the bright and beautiful lessons we might glean from listening to the More-Than-Human-World.

Mothering Beauty

Who has loved you into the beautiful being you are? Have you ever struggled to let yourself be loved? This Mother’s Day, let us consider those nurturing forces and mothering presences that have brought us this far as we lift up all the different kinds of mothers who have touched our hearts.  

Reawakening Our Ministry

The Board of Trustees along with our incoming minister, Rev. Juniper Meadows, feel that a revitalized and redefined Committee on Ministry is vital to this congregation. Find out the philosophy behind this renewed committee that will touch everyone and call us to our truer UU selves.  

On Empathy: The Practice of Widening Our Hearts to Include The Pain of Others 

This joint worship service between First Unitarian and Second Unitarian explores how we practice empathy.  As we intentionally study and learn about Widening Our Circle of Concern in our congregations, we must focus on changing ourselves so that we together can create a community that is truly inclusive.  A Tapestry of Faith workshop asks this … Continue reading On Empathy: The Practice of Widening Our Hearts to Include The Pain of Others 

UU the Vote

UU the Vote was imagined as an “all hands on deck” project to articulate UU values in the public square and activate and organize Unitarian Universalists on a mass scale. It was motivated by two primary objectives: Responding to the moral call to combat the rise of white supremacy and fascism and imagine a just … Continue reading UU the Vote

2021 Gratitude Homily

Join us for this service featuring Susan Frederick-Gray, president of the Unitarian Universalist Association. We will explore our monthly theme – Living with Intention.

Our Voices, Our World

To close out this year of 2021, our service centers around the creative voices of members of our congregation, past and present. Join us at 10:30 for this celebration of the season of Joy as we look forward to the new year.”