We encourage members to further Second Unitarian’s mission by working together through committees, groups of committed individuals making a difference. We strive to work together in accordance with our Congregational Covenant of Right Relations.
Our committees include:
Building and Grounds – Takes care of our property and helps to ensure we are as environmentally conscious as possible in the stewardship of our space. Clyde Anderson, Chair
A church clean-up day coordinated by the Building & Grounds Committee.
Caring – Works to build a caring community that will help and support each of our members as we experience the events, stages and transitions of life. Learn More
Dorothy Danielson, Chair
Committee on Ministry – Helps strengthen the quality of ministry for the congregation. Its main task is to monitor, on a regular and continuing basis, the effectiveness of the congregation’s pursuit of its religious mission to its membership and the wider community.
Karen Hux, Pete Miller and Pam Miller-Jenkins; Appointed
Connection – Coordinates Hospitality Teams, welcomes newcomers to our congregation, assists them in meeting with others and exploring membership, and helps members find ways to connect.
JoAnne Draper and Judy Wieczorek, Co-chairs
Faith Connections – Offers adult religious learning opportunities focusing on three topic areas: relational issues; UU history, spirituality, and other faith traditions; and how to be better stewards of the earth. Learn More
JoAnne Draper, Chair
Fellowship – Promotes a sense of community and celebration within our congregation by sponsoring various social activities that appeal to our diverse church community. Learn More
Janet Nichols, Chair
Finance Coordinating Council – Oversees Second Unitarian’s fiscal health and marshals the financial resources to further its mission. Coordinates the following teams.
Mark Siepker, Chair
Endowment – The custodian of the Endowment Fund, which is to be used to enhance the mission of Second Unitarian Church of Omaha and to promote Unitarian Universalist values in the community independently from the annual operating budget. Learn More
Rod Baumann, Carolyn Miller and Mark Siepker; Elected Members
Fundraising – Plans one or more community-building fundraising events each year. Chair position open.
Stewardship – Conducts the annual pledge drive in ways that help each of us discover our own personal generosity through events, house meetings or one-on-one conversations. During the pledge drive we make year-long financial pledges that reflect our own financial condition as well as our commitment to the congregation’s future and success. Learn More
Anita Meyer, Chair; Anita Jeck and David Nesbit, Co-Vice Chairs.
Library – Acquires and provides resources for committees, for programs, and for members and friends in order to support us in our search for truth and meaning. View our shelf list.
Melissa Konecky, Chair
Marketing and Communications – Develops communications policy and procedures as well as coordinates the church’s communications and advertising.
Jaime Short and Carol Johnson, Co-Conveners
Nominations and Leadership Development – Helps grow leadership skills in individuals and matches those leaders with our congregation’s needs.
Kathy Huggins, Deborah Jadhav and Dorothy Danielson; Elected Members
Religious Growth and Learning – Responsible for religious education, discussion and celebratory events for our children and youth, designed to nurture the deepening of their religious experience, celebrate their religious community, and inspire empowerment to make a difference. Learn More
Janet Nichols, Co-Convener and Ashleigh Fuson, Director of Religious Education and Co-Convener.
Social Justice – Oversees justice issues and the initiatives 2U takes to address them; solicits nominations for Share the Plate. Learn More
Cheri Cody, Chair; transitioning to Kristy Fennessey and Cindy Ramsey, Co-chairs.
Social Justice Committee members and Rev. Juniper Meadows
participating in an act of public witness at the State Capitol.
Technology – Assists our congregation in using current technology to its greatest capacity.
Carla/Bill Kuhn, Chair
Worship – Worship Associates help deepen our spiritual experience by working collaboratively with the minister to support and participate in worship services and to engage us at many different levels of experience through music, visual art, and aesthetics. Learn More
Tom Peterson, Chair
Aesthetics – Works to create an aesthetically pleasing sanctuary.
Pam Curtiss-Smith, Contact