Archives: Services

Soul Matters: A Meeting Place Where Deep Listening Really Matters

“Learn to be quiet enough to hear the genuine within yourself so that you can hear it in others.”  (Marian Wright Edelman, lawyer and civil rights activist) In this time of social, environmental, and political unrest, we hear protesters pleading: “Just listen to us.”  Our service this Sunday is on the monthly theme of Deep … Continue reading Soul Matters: A Meeting Place Where Deep Listening Really Matters

Spiritual Practices for Renewal, Liberation, and Abundance

Tough times require not only spiritual practices of resilience but also spiritual practices for liberation and renewal. There is a difference between simply being able to survive a crisis or chronic stress and really tapping into the wellsprings of renewal, liberation, and abundancy.  How do we cultivate a sense of grace, freedom, and abundancy in … Continue reading Spiritual Practices for Renewal, Liberation, and Abundance

Deep Listening – The Ways of Grief

How do we listen to the voices inside us? How do we make space for what needs to be said? This week, Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley explores these questions in her sermon The Ways of Grief.

Water Communion

Join us via Zoom this Sunday for our non-traditional, traditional Water Communion, as we launch ourselves into the unknown waters of the coming church year.  

The Wisdom to Know the Difference (Audio)

This Sunday, we will explore what it looks like to use our wisdom to create meaningful change. Recognizing we live on the side of the faith line of the religious pluralists, who hold that people believing in different creeds and belonging to different communities need to support each. Knowing that the common good is best … Continue reading The Wisdom to Know the Difference (Audio)

Accepting the Things You Can Change (Video)

We are all needed to make our community a better place. Together let’s dive into one man’s life and discover how we too can affect change.  We will continue our sermon series exploring ways to think more clearly about what is, and is not within our power to change, all the while maintaining our authentic … Continue reading Accepting the Things You Can Change (Video)

Accepting the Things You Can’t Change

We, as a community, are trying to find where we can impact change, and are looking for opportunities to uplift voices. Over the next three Sundays we will be exploring ways to think more clearly about what is, and is not within our power to change, all the while maintaining our authentic identities.