Archives: Services

It’s Not You; It’s Me

It takes courage to ask for what we need in relationships. It may take even more courage to hear the needs of others. Join us in person or via Zoom:  

A Very Merry Mabon!

As the Wheel of the Year turns we have arrived in the boughs of Autumn and many of our earth-centered and pagan friends are observing the festival of Mabon. Sometimes referred to as the “Pagan Thanksgiving”, Mabon is a time for centering gratitude, setting intentions, and welcoming in the Autumn as a time for reduction, … Continue reading A Very Merry Mabon!

Water Communion

Join 2nd Unitarian as we welcome our friends from the Lincoln Unitarian Church for a special collaborative Water Communion! Rev. Oscar Lewis of Lincoln and Rev. Juniper Meadows of Omaha will offer reflections and invite attendees to participate in our traditional Water Communion ritual. In person participants are invited to bring water with them to … Continue reading Water Communion

Batman vs. Scooby Doo

Batman vs. Scooby Doo Labor Day is a recognition and celebration of the contributions of the worker as well as the advances in labor rights throughout American history. Therefore, it is also a day to recognize and acknowledge the fact that, despite progress, America still treats those who labor, far less than righteously. Let us … Continue reading Batman vs. Scooby Doo

The Work of Heart

Please join us this Sunday as we celebrate our volunteers!! Come be a part of our avalanche of appreciation for those who selflessly give their time, talents, and treasure to Second Unitarian Church. This is a service that promises to be fun for all ages with special musical guests from the A Street Band. Join … Continue reading The Work of Heart