Archives: Services

Batman vs. Scooby Doo

Batman vs. Scooby Doo Labor Day is a recognition and celebration of the contributions of the worker as well as the advances in labor rights throughout American history. Therefore, it is also a day to recognize and acknowledge the fact that, despite progress, America still treats those who labor, far less than righteously. Let us … Continue reading Batman vs. Scooby Doo

The Work of Heart

Please join us this Sunday as we celebrate our volunteers!! Come be a part of our avalanche of appreciation for those who selflessly give their time, talents, and treasure to Second Unitarian Church. This is a service that promises to be fun for all ages with special musical guests from the A Street Band. Join … Continue reading The Work of Heart

We Cry Freedom

There is a wound on the heart of the land. Not new, but extremely palpable right now; burning with irony in the light of a 4th of July fireworks display as this country revels in freedom even as millions are losing access to life-saving healthcare. This Sunday is not a Sunday for nationalist glorification. This … Continue reading We Cry Freedom