Category: News

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Join us for the 2U luncheon – August 11th after the service

Our monthly luncheon is Sunday, August 11th after the service at the Garden Café in Rockbrook Village, 11040 Oak St. They have a large menu of breakfasts, kids’ meals, sandwiches & salads that everyone can purchase. Even if you would like a drink or snack only rather than lunch, please do join us! Newer members and visitors … Continue reading Join us for the 2U luncheon – August 11th after the service

Save the date

Sunday, August 18th there will be a Budget Q&A after the service. This informational meeting is to review and answer questions about the 2019 – 2020 budget. Sunday, August 25th after the service will be a congregational meeting to vote on the 2019 – 2020 budget. A notice of the congregational meeting, as required by … Continue reading Save the date

Update from the Property Improvement Ministry (PIM) Team:

We haven’t had much to share with the congregation until now. Last spring Justin attempted to get bids on our accessible, gender neutral bathrooms, storage room & replacing the parking lot (PIM) project. Only one contractor submitted a bid and has been unresponsive since. Due to the catastrophic flooding in the Omaha area, it probably … Continue reading Update from the Property Improvement Ministry (PIM) Team:

July and August Share the Plate: Habitat for Humanity of Omaha

Every month Second Unitarian donates one half of our offering to a local non-profit organization. Our July and August Share the plate recipient is Habitat for Humanity of Omaha. Since 1984, Habitat for Humanity of Omaha has partnered with more than 1,425 families in our community to help address their housing issues through homeownership, repairs … Continue reading July and August Share the Plate: Habitat for Humanity of Omaha

OTOC Community Organizing Training

OTOC’s (Omaha Together One Community) summer training focuses on the role of faith institutions in our democracy. Come explore OTOC’s 20-year history, affiliations, and accomplishments on Monday, July 8th at 7 p.m. at Augustana Lutheran Church, 3647 Lafayette Ave. ~ Vicki Pratt

Share your musical gifts August 18th

The Worship Committee is planning an all music worship service for August 18th. If you are interested in sharing your talents as we explore the creativity and spirituality of music, email me at ~ Wesley Morrison-Sloat

Support a local family

Second Unitarian has chosen to adopt an immigrant family who recently moved to Omaha. The family is receiving financial support from another entity, is having its care coordinated by the Omaha Area Sanctuary Network (OASN) – of which some of our congregants are steering committee members – and 2U has chosen to collaborate and Side with … Continue reading Support a local family

Summer Fun Games and Potluck – July 13th

Games begin at 4 Potluck begins at 5:30 Come for all or just parts of the event. Bring your favorite game or play one of ours. Bring a dish to share for the potluck. Fellowship provides the drinks. Questions: contact Judy Eller, Janet Nichols, Lynn Alsman Childcare is available if interested: ~ Fellowship Committee