Category: News

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Young Religious Unitarian Universalists (YRUU) Youth Group

YRUU begins Wesnesday, September 18th at 7 p.m. Young Religious Unitarian Universalists (YRUU) is a combined group of youth from First and Second Unitarian Churches. Youth are in 7th-12th grades and love the acceptance and belonging this group provides. Youth are free to be themselves in a truly supportive and fun community. Adult advisers guide … Continue reading Young Religious Unitarian Universalists (YRUU) Youth Group

Our Whole Lives (OWL)

Is your child in kindergarten or first grade or fifth or sixth grade? We are offering Our Whole Lives (OWL), an age-appropriate eight-to-ten week class that not only covers “the birds and bees,” it also covers consent, identity, self care and the beautiful variety of people and families out in our world today. It empowers … Continue reading Our Whole Lives (OWL)

Join us for lunch!

Sunday, September 8th at noon, we will meet at the Garden Café in Rockbrook Village, 11040 Oak St. for our monthly 2U luncheon. The Garden Cafe has a large menu of breakfasts, kids’ meals, sandwiches and salads that everyone can purchase. Even if you would like a drink or snack only rather than lunch, please do … Continue reading Join us for lunch!

September and October Share the Plate: Wear Yellow Nebraska 

Our September and October Share the plate recipient is Wear Yellow Nebraska. Wear Yellow Nebraska brings people passionate about cycling together to celebrate life and fight cancer. The Omaha Wear Yellow Ride was organized in 2003 to ride and raise money for the LIVESTRONG Challenge. They now support local cancer survivors with a focus on … Continue reading September and October Share the Plate: Wear Yellow Nebraska 

Book Sale – Coming soon!

It’s time for the annual Macyl Boruff Memorial Library book sale! On Sunday September 22nd and Sunday September 29th, before and after church, donated books will be available for purchase in front of the church before and after the service. All proceeds go the church, so come early, stay late, and give generously! For this … Continue reading Book Sale – Coming soon!

Support a local family

Second Unitarian has chosen to adopt an immigrant family who recently moved to Omaha. The family is receiving financial support from another entity, is having its care coordinated by the Omaha Area Sanctuary Network (OASN) – of which some of our congregants are steering committee members – and 2U has chosen to collaborate and Side with … Continue reading Support a local family

New Soul Matters 2 group forming!

Soul Matters is a small group ministry organized around ongoing and covenanted groups of 5 to 8 participants, led by trained members of our own congregation, following UUA “Soul Matters” materials. Do you ever leave worship wishing for more? Well, these materials follow the monthly worship themes and provide activities that participants work through during the month … Continue reading New Soul Matters 2 group forming!