Never Give Up: Vulnerability, Advocacy, + Hope
Join us for this layled service about PERSEVERANCE.
Join us for this layled service about PERSEVERANCE.
Join us for this layled service on perseverance.
Beginning at 9:00 a.m., we will share in the live worship streaming from our annual General Assembly being held in Kansas City, Missouri. Our UUA President, the Reverend Susan Frederick-Gray will be offering the sermon. It will be a service of singing, story and sustenance for these times!
Celebrate Spring with a picnic worship. We will hold our celebration outdoors (weather permitting) on the lawn at Second Unitarian in lieu of our regular Sunday service. Bring your favorite picnic foods to share and a lawn chair or blanket. And if the weather doesn’t permit? We’ll just move indoors!
Rev. Sarah Voss takes a look at those who are disabled and those who are “spiritually” disabled and what kinds of support the church can provide.
Members of 2U’s Writing for Spiritual Growth group will speak on a diverse range of physical structures that have inspired them.
Please join the Worship Committee for this service where we will discuss Welcome.
Join us for this Lay led service about Identity.
More on this lay led service to be announced.
Due to the forecast of extremely cold temperatures on Sunday, December 31st, our Worship service and First Hour discussion have been cancelled.