Archives: Services

100th Anniversary of the Flower Communion: A Creative Cosmos

It was just over 100 years ago that Norbert Čapek held the first ever flower communion, inspiring a most beloved tradition celebrated by Unitarian Universalists all across the world. This Sunday, let us explore the legacy of Flower Communion; sharing our flowers, beautifying our sanctuary, and exploring the creative edge of an evolutionary cosmos out … Continue reading 100th Anniversary of the Flower Communion: A Creative Cosmos

Stay Awhile My Inner Child: The Beginner’s Mind

We all want to harness our inner creativity towards some ends. As human beings we are naturally creative creatures, the emergency creation of a most creative cosmos, yet we might find ourselves stuck and stifled in our pursuits to make something, do something, or be something new. We UU’s don’t generally worry much about being … Continue reading Stay Awhile My Inner Child: The Beginner’s Mind

UUSC Sunday: Faithful Solidarity with Asylum-Seekers

Building the Beloved Community we long for means we must expand what it means to welcome our neighbors, near and far. This Sunday, let us recognize the righteous labors of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee; that prophetic wing of our faith that lives our Living Tradition far and wide! Led by the virtual presence of Reverend … Continue reading UUSC Sunday: Faithful Solidarity with Asylum-Seekers

What Side Are You On?: Righteous Resistance in Rural Appalachia

Our congregation has some strong connections to the South Eastern United States. Both Rev. Juniper and our DRE Ashleigh have ties to Southern Appalachia. As we mark Earth Day in this month of Resistance,  let us explore some of the history born out of those far away hills and hollars; a legacy of folks living … Continue reading What Side Are You On?: Righteous Resistance in Rural Appalachia

Praying With Our Everything: Social Justice As Spiritual Practice

The life of faith is always a life of alternatives; perspectives born out of insights gleaned in relationship with fellow seekers. This is particularly true within Unitarian Universalism, this Living Tradition we celebrate which places no small call upon us, both in our principles and in our legacy, to be a prophetic church whose spirit … Continue reading Praying With Our Everything: Social Justice As Spiritual Practice

Fools for Love 

Every Sunday, Rev. Juniper wraps up worship with a benediction, usually saying something like “Let us be Fools for Love and Pilgrims for Justice.” As we enter into our April theme of Resistance, let us begin by exploring that old archetype of the holy fool, satirists and seekers who may show us new ways of … Continue reading Fools for Love