Category: News

Welcome to Second Unitarian Church’s news page! To receive expanded news and events information from 2U, please sign up for our weekly e-News.

2018 Community Garden Plots

The Community Garden committee is inviting applications for the garden plots located north of the church. The plots are the same as previous years: 8 feet by 8 feet, approximately. The expectations for growers are: The crops are to be grown organically (there is ample amounts of free leaves for mulching to reduce weeding). There … Continue reading 2018 Community Garden Plots

Small Group Ministry!

Great news… we definitely have people wanting Small Group Ministry!   Small Group Ministry is ongoing and covenanted groups of around 10 participants, led by trained members of our own congregation, following UUA “Soul Matters” materials. Do you ever leave worship wishing for more? Well, these materials follow the monthly worship themes and provide activities that participants work through during the month … Continue reading Small Group Ministry!

Second Unitarian luncheon

There is a new place and date for our monthly luncheon. It will be on the second Sunday of the month, in this case, February 10th at the Garden Café in Rockbrook Village, 11040 Oak Street They have a large menu of breakfasts, kids’ meals, sandwiches & salads that everyone can purchase. Even if you would … Continue reading Second Unitarian luncheon

TUUsday Circle – February 12th

The Eight Most Important Estate Planning Questions Everyone is invited to the next TUUsday Circle, Tuesday, February 12th at 1 p.m. for a presentation entitled “The Eight Most Important Estate Planning Questions”. In addition to information relevant to estate planning, the presentation will include information on Powers of Attorney – both property and medical. The … Continue reading TUUsday Circle – February 12th

OTOC Month at Urban Abbey

Second Unitarian is an active member of OTOC (Omaha Together One Community). During February, Urban Abbey coffee house and book store at 1026 Jackson in the Old Market will donate a portion of counter sales to support OTOC. Come to Urban Abbey to learn about our current work. Tuesday February 5th, 6:45 p.m. Solitary Confinement’s Impact on Mental … Continue reading OTOC Month at Urban Abbey

POPS Potluck

You are invited to join us for POPs (Parents of Preschoolers) Potluck Night on Saturday, February 9th at Second Unitarian. POPs is open to parents from First and Second Unitarian communities. And don’t be fooled by the name – POPs is for ALL parents really, regardless of your children’s ages. Please bring a dish to share … Continue reading POPS Potluck

Are You Interested in Small Group Ministry?

Or perhaps your first question is, “What is Small Group Ministry?” These are ongoing and covenanted groups of around 10 participants, led by trained members of our own congregation, following UU “Soul Matters” materials. Do you ever leave worship wishing for more? Well, these materials follow the monthly worship themes and provide activities that participants … Continue reading Are You Interested in Small Group Ministry?