Are You Interested in Small Group Ministry?

Or perhaps your first question is, “What is Small Group Ministry?” These are ongoing and covenanted groups of around 10 participants, led by trained members of our own congregation, following UU “Soul Matters” materials. Do you ever leave worship wishing for more? Well, these materials follow the monthly worship themes and provide activities that participants work through during the month and then bring together at the monthly meetings for thoughtful discussion.

The meetings will be the 4th Monday evening of each month for two hours at the church. The meeting TIME will be set by the actual participants. We’re starting with one group, beginning February 25th. If interest grows, we hope to start more groups, given enough volunteer facilitators.

Participants will need to register and are limited to members and affiliates. Child care is provided upon request at registration. Please register at

-Sue Aschinger and Judy Wieczorek