Topic: Vulnerability

Hidden Blessings

Today’s service is presented by members of the Second Unitarian Dementia Caregivers’ Support Group. The dementia journey is one of heartbreak and challenge. But as with any difficult journey, whether of our own choosing or one that is thrust upon us, there are often unexpected moments of joy, profound beauty, or sparks of insight, to … Continue reading Hidden Blessings


In fits and starts the earth turns toward Spring; flowers soon to be gracing the low places and high places filled with bird song. This Sunday let us explore the turnings of the Earth that hint towards spring time as we lift up Ostara; that point of the wheel of the year marking the Spring … Continue reading Ostara

The Gift of Receiving

It can be hard to ask for help sometimes. Why is that? Perhaps we worry we might feel ashamed or judged. Perhaps we want to prove something, to make a point about our own capacities, our own resilience and tenacity. What would happen if we took the risk and not only asked for help but … Continue reading The Gift of Receiving

The Wounded Healer

In the course of living, at some point, we get hurt. Through our hurt, even as we heal, we may continue to grow differently. To paraphrase Thomas Moore, We may take on depth of color and range of feeling. Our intelligence may now more deeply be rooted and not dependent only on facts and reason. … Continue reading The Wounded Healer