Topic: Renewal

Weaving Our Lives

This Sunday, we will be sharing the worship video from the UUA General Assembly’s Sunday Service, “Weaving Our Lives”. We are all tangled up together in a great web of life that is woven with beauty and hardship, love and loss, thriving and struggle. How do we tend well to the weaving so that all … Continue reading Weaving Our Lives

Father’s Day and Renewing Masculinity

Celebrate Father’s Day with us this Sunday, as Rev. Juniper Meadows offers a homily on renewing masculinity. She will be joined by three of our congregation’s fathers, who will reflect on what being a father means to them.  

Eco-theologies (Video)

In our fast paced consumer driven culture it can be hard to really figure out what it means to belong to a place. This Sunday, let us renew our connection to the land and open our senses to the language of a living earth; the one singing, signing, and speaking … Continue reading

Water Communion

Join us via Zoom this Sunday for our non-traditional, traditional Water Communion, as we launch ourselves into the unknown waters of the coming church year.