Blue Christmas
Join Rev. Juniper for a little companionship and support on Christmas Day. Drop in from 10:30 to 11:30. Blue Christmas is in-person only.
Rev. Juniper Meadows has served as our minister since May 2022.
Join Rev. Juniper for a little companionship and support on Christmas Day. Drop in from 10:30 to 11:30. Blue Christmas is in-person only.
This Sunday join us as we celebrate Playful Presence.
On this darkest night of the year we gather to mark the dying of the light and it’s dawning rebirth with the sharing of song, space, and gathered light. Join us at the solstice sunset, 5 PM on Saturday, December 21st here at 2nd Unitarian, and stick around for fellowship as we warm our hearts … Continue reading Yule & The Luminous Dark
Have you paused to notice the magic of the world lately? Beneath the rush of the road, the crush of buildings, the layered pavement, it is all too easy to fail to notice the sublime in the ordinary: the wisdom in the eyes of a passerby, the laughter of a child, grass penetrating the concrete. … Continue reading Encountering Divinity in the Ordinary (Video)
Bodhi Day marks the annual celebration of the day Siddhartha Gautama reached enlightenment, thus ushering Buddhism into the world. Today Buddhism is a true world religion, plentiful with regional and cultural variations, practices, and beliefs. As we deepen our explorations in Presence this month, let us gather to reflect on this living tradition and it’s … Continue reading Bodhi Day (Video)
We often speak of ministry as just a thing that ministers do, those ordained folks with their flashy clothes and fancy degrees, but everyone has a ministry of some sort. Whether that is a ministry of time, a ministry of talent, or a ministry of treasure, a ministry is … Continue reading
As a people who would make good trouble, we are in good company. We have no shortage of allies and fellow agents for the common good on our side. Even as we still grieve, still rage, still harbor anxiety, let us allow these feelings to be as a fire in the night, guiding us into … Continue reading One on One, One by One
Fear, grief, anger; these are natural expressions of the human condition. We react, we experience, we feel this world before we know it, but today we know this world to be in dire need of redirection. Perhaps we are feeling a little lost ourselves. For all who carry a heavy heart or a worried mind, … Continue reading Sanctuary
As we move out of October we come upon the intersection of two sacred times important to our 2U Community; Diwali, the pan-Indian celebration of light conquering the darkness, and Samhain, a pagan/earth centered holy day emphasizing the embrace of the dark and the honoring of the departed. This Sunday, let us move through light … Continue reading Light and Darkness
There is no single concept of God that is shared universally by all who call this tradition their own. This is good and right, but this does not mean that we have no shared practices to attend to Spirit and discern it’s demands. As we claim Love as the core of our faith, to listen … Continue reading Listening for God