Archives: Services
The Language of Ageism
Does your language and attitude affect the way you interact with others? Come and find out on Sunday.
Samhain is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter or the “darker half” of the year.
The Sources that Inspire Us
Our service on October Second will be a lay-led, communal experience where the congregation will explore our diverse and varied sources of faith and wisdom. From the Quran and the Ramayana to Star Trek and Gilmore Girls, please come prepared to reflect and to share the sources that inspire you.
Flotsam: Stories and the Power of Intent
Adapted from a sermon by Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd, from River Road Unitarian Church in Bethesda, Maryland. It’s a service Chris attended in person six months ago, and is repeating at 2U with Reverend Ladd’s permission and encouragement.
A Square Peg in a Round Hole
Finding acceptance and authenticity.
The Many Faces of Prayer
Prayer is not an activity many UUs consider as useful. In this multigenerational service, we will look at prayer through the years and by various faiths, the many types of prayer, and how this practice can enrich your life, even if you identify as a humanist.
Holy Relics — Can UUs Relate?
Lorraine explores the topic of relics in this sermon, noting that most of the world’s religions venerate relics. What meaning can UUs find in this ancient sacred practice?
Expanding the Circle: UUs Working Towards a Humane Society How do we as UUs determine which beings are “worthy” beneficiaries of our social justice work? Why do we often act like our own species is the only one that warrants moral consideration on an individual level? How deeply have we explored our 7th Principle beyond traditional environmentalism? Chris Holbein will delve into these … Continue reading Expanding the Circle: UUs Working Towards a Humane Society
Everyday Courage
Join us in person or via Zoom for a collaborative music service with Lincoln Unitarian.