Archives: Services

Journey Through the Belly of a Whale

There are times, I expect, when we are far too serious in our approaches to our religious inheritance. Far too serious, that is, when a sense of humor might open up for us new pathways to understanding. The story of Jonah is a case in point.  


The first of three harvest festivals.  It is a time of joy and tension.  It is a time of gratitude.  Come with an open heart and be willing to journey with us as we look back at what we planted this Spring and prepare for the winter months to come.  

Evolution of the Mind and Free Will

Can we have free will if our brains and thoughts appear to be purely physical/biological structures determined by genetics and our past and present environments?

Soto Zen Buddhism

Our 6th Source – Wisdom from the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life. Dosho Port Roshi of the Nebraska Zen Center will lead a Buddhist service, including readings from sacred Buddhist texts, dharma talk, and meditation. Join us for an enlightening and informative spiritual experience!

My Favorite Schizophrenic Symptoms

Mental Illness is one of the most common, yet most misunderstood health concerns. There is stigma against seeking treatment, and against those diagnosed with a mental illness. Please join us to hear my own story, and to discuss ways to move towards being a society of compassion and healing.


Also known as the Gaelic May Day festival is halfway between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. It is one of the four Gaelic seasonal festivals—along with Samhain, Imbolc and Lughnasadh.  

Flowering After Fire: Resilience and Renewal

After a prairie fire, wildflowers bloom brighter. What does the natural world teach us about resilience? Where can we find our own sources of resilience and renewal as we face uncertainties and losses? How do we find strength, individually and as communities, as we stand up for our deepest values?

Looking Backward & Forward

This evening begins Holocaust Remembrance Day, Yom HaShoah. We have always said that we must never forget this huge tragedy of human suffering. Why is remembering HaShoah so important, especially now?