Category: News

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Holocaust Remembrance

On April 23rd, we will consider the Holocaust in respectful remembrance, but also as the deep lesson against fascism and genocide and hatred that must be its legacy. We must never forget, and we will not allow such dangerous movements to arise again, most especially not in our own country. And the risk of that … Continue reading Holocaust Remembrance

Teen Movie Night for April

The Second Unitarian teens (7-12 graders) will be viewing Persepolis on Sunday, April 23rd at 4:30 p.m. Synopsis: Persepolis is a French film that was an Oscar nominee for best animated film in 2008 and also won multiple other awards. It is about a precocious and outspoken Iranian girl who grows up during the Islamic Revolution. A discussion … Continue reading Teen Movie Night for April

April Share the Plate: Heartland Workers Center

The Share the Plate organization for April is the Heartland Workers Center. The Heartland Workers Center (HWC) was founded in 2009 after listening to hundreds of stories from workers in meatpacking, construction, restaurants, and cleaning. A vision was born to create a new model of organizing that entails finding and developing leaders, training them on … Continue reading April Share the Plate: Heartland Workers Center

2017 Community Garden Plots

The Community Garden committee is soliciting applications for the garden plots located north of the church. The plots are the same as previous years: 8 feet by 8 feet, approximately. The expectations for growers are: The crops are to be grown organically. There is a $10 fee associated with each plot to reimburse the church … Continue reading 2017 Community Garden Plots

EnqUUiring Minds is Back!

Have you been visiting our congregation for a while and are wondering about Unitarian Universalism and this church? Have you been a member for any length of time and desire to explore your own spirituality and learn more about our faith? Would you like to meet some wonderful people and spend time with them in … Continue reading EnqUUiring Minds is Back!

Help Decide the Future of Your Church. Your vote is needed!

Mark your calendars for Sunday, June 4th for our Annual Congregational Meeting. At least 35% of our membership must be present to conduct business including adopting a budget, electing officers and deciding other important matters. Second Unitarian by-laws state: “The right to vote at congregational meetings shall be extended only to persons who have been designated … Continue reading Help Decide the Future of Your Church. Your vote is needed!

Developmental Ministry Kickoff Workshop

All at 2U are encouraged to attend the Developmental Ministry Kickoff Workshop! This exciting event begins at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 18th with a continental breakfast continuing to 1:30 p.m. The workshop will be held at the church. Lunch will be served. RSVP to with childcare and dietary needs.