Category: News

Welcome to Second Unitarian Church’s news page! To receive expanded news and events information from 2U, please sign up for our weekly e-News.

Retirees’ Group Happy Aging

Please join us Tuesday, May 9th at 1 p.m. for “Happy Aging” presented by Michelle Streif. The presentation will include truths and myths about the aging process and how to make your aging process a great one. Michelle is a clinical exercise specialist in baby boomer and senior health and wellness who has been working in that field … Continue reading Retirees’ Group Happy Aging

Help decide the future of your church. Your vote is needed!

Sunday, June 4th is our Annual Congregational Meeting. At least 35% of our membership must be present to conduct business on behalf of the congregation. We will adopt a budget for the upcoming church year, elect officers to lead the congregation and decide other important matters.  

Spring Clean-up Day – April 29th

Join us from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. to pitch in to help beautify the church and grounds! There will be lots of tasks for all ages and abilities. So grab a rake, a pair of work gloves, or just yourself and make 2U shine!