Category: News

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2U Youth – Join in the fun June 3rd with the Ames UU youth!

The UU youth group from the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ames are coming to visit the first weekend in June. Spend Saturday showing the Ames visitors around our Zoo. We will meet up at 10:30 a.m. The Ames UU’s last visited in 2015 and great fun was had between all the youth!

Help decide the future of your church. Your vote is needed!

After the service on Sunday, June 4th is our Annual Congregational Meeting. At least 35% of our membership must be present to conduct business on behalf of the congregation. We will adopt a budget for the upcoming church year, elect officers to lead the congregation and decide other important matters.  

Meditation Group

A wonderful group meeting takes place on the third Wednesday of each month. The Meditation Group is a loving, caring, and spiritually nurturing group of people who learn about and practice meditation. Meditation is a practice that can be easily learned by anyone and is very helpful in dealing with negative emotions and an over-active mind. Please … Continue reading Meditation Group

1:1 Training with Marshall Johnson

Wednesday, May 17th, 7 p.m. One on one (1:1) conversations are intentional, relational meetings to help an individual learn about another person’s self-interest, concerns, and motivations. It is important to listen and to reciprocate by sharing about oneself. It is a time-limited conversation, usually 30-45 minutes. Multiple conversations by a variety of individuals are building blocks … Continue reading 1:1 Training with Marshall Johnson

May Share the Plate – National Alliance on Mental Illness

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Nebraska provides statewide support to families and friends of individuals with mental illness. We also educate the public about mental illness using literature, speaking engagements, videos, workshops, conferences and this website. In addition, through ongoing communication with mental health professionals and public officials, we are seeking to improve and … Continue reading May Share the Plate – National Alliance on Mental Illness

Writing for Spiritual Growth

Writing for Spiritual Growth is a great opportunity to express your creative side in a safe and nurturing environment. No special skills are required, just a desire to put pen to paper and explore. Part of Spiritual Growth is asking questions; writing is a great way to go deeper into those questions and to share … Continue reading Writing for Spiritual Growth