Category: News

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October Women’s Alliance

Women, and those who identify as women, are invited to attend the Women’s Alliance gathering on Monday, October 9th. Socializing and beverages start at 6:30 p.m. with dinner following at 7. Our October program will be presented by the local CUUPS chapter. The presentation, The Art of Divination will be presented by Barbara May from Second Unitarian. Warm … Continue reading October Women’s Alliance

Bystander Intervention

Rev. Cyndi is leading another Bystander Intervention workshop Sunday, October 8th from 3 p.m. to 4:30 at First United Methodist Church, 7020 Cass Street. Participants will learn and practice the basic steps to make a safe and effective response in situations of public harassment around perceived ethnic identity, race, religion, sexual identity or gender orientation. Whether you are on the … Continue reading Bystander Intervention

EnqUUiring Minds Returns

This course, sponsored by the Membership Committee and led by Reverend Cyndi, is being offered again in October. We will meet to discuss and share our Unitarian Universalist faith and our own spiritual journeys Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to noon October 7th, 14th and 21st. Whether you have been a longtime member OR are thinking … Continue reading EnqUUiring Minds Returns

October and November Share the Plate Hurricanes Harvey & Irma Relief Funds

  Due to the emergency situations in Florida and Texas our offering will be shared with the Hurricane Irma Community Recovery Fund via The Miami Foundation and the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund via the Greater Houston Community Foundation. The focus of these two organizations is to get immediate relief directly to individuals and supporting grassroots organizations as quickly … Continue reading October and November Share the Plate Hurricanes Harvey & Irma Relief Funds

Fall Church Cleanup Saturday, October 7th!

  Please mark your calendar! Our Fall Cleanup Day is scheduled for Saturday, October 7th from 8:00 am to Noon. We will have plenty of tasks for everyone! We may also schedule a special work day on a Saturday in September. Watch the weekly e-newsletter for an announcement or contact the Building & Grounds Committee.

EnqUUiring Minds is back!

ave you been visiting our congregation for a while and are wondering about Unitarian Universalism and this church? Have you been a member for any length of time and desire to explore your own spirituality and learn more about our faith? Would you like to meet some wonderful people and spend time with them in … Continue reading EnqUUiring Minds is back!