Expectations of Members
We encourage you to review these expectations of members before becoming a member at Second Unitarian Church.
Live Well
Aspire to live in accord with the shared values of Unitarian Universalism and the Congregational Covenant of Right Relations.
Participate in the life and activities of the congregation, so that you can make a difference not only in your own life but in the lives of the members of this church and in the larger community.
- Attend church regularly. Church attendance enables you to connect with others and with the spiritual life of this religious community. Sermons that challenge the mind, the heart and the conscience encourage you to live your values throughout the week.
- Serve. Put your faith into action by serving this congregation and the larger community. Choose a way that feeds your soul.
- Stay Informed. Read communications sent by the congregation’s leadership and staff.
- Attend congregational meetings. Vote according to your conscience and for the greater good of the community.
Make a Financial Pledge and Contribution
Members are required to make a financial pledge upon joining and thereafter each spring during our annual pledge drive. There is no set amount that you must pledge, but we ask that your contribution represent an amount judged by you to be a fair share of the church’s needs, in light of your income and means, and the fact that generous contributions in the past have sustained and built the church we enjoy today. To fulfill your pledge, you may spread out your financial contributions throughout the year. Learn More
Ebb and Flow
We understand that your ability to participate and to give financially will ebb and flow, but participate and give fully when you can. Your giving and participation will help assure your community will continue to be there, both for when you need it and for future generations.