Speaker: Rev. Juniper Meadows

Rev. Juniper Meadows has served as our minister since May 2022.

The Living Tradition: We Would Be One (Video)

Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religious tradition that was formed from the consolidation of two religions: Unitarianism and Universalism. In America, the Universalist Church of America was founded in 1793, and the American Unitarian Association in 1825. After consolidating in 1961, these faiths became the new religion of Unitarian Universalism through the Unitarian Universalist Association … Continue reading The Living Tradition: We Would Be One (Video)

Water Communion (Video)

Join us this Sunday for our annual homecoming ritual of Water Communion. As friends return, school restarts, and the earth prepares for the coming of Autumn, let us mingle our stories, our gifts, and the waters we bring as offerings. All participants are invited to bring some water to pour into the altar basin; a … Continue reading Water Communion (Video)