Archives: Services
Great Expectations
We all have expectations, whether great or not—about our lives, our commitments to the world, who we are as people. Some are great, some are not. And, at the same time, we will also find our expectations thwarted. How do we live in the world of expectations, especially those that never come true?
Heritage: Your Animal Heart (Video)
It’s no secret that we are animals. One look at your dog or cat and you’ll find common features. Eyes, ears, legs, fur (yes your hair is technically fur), but how often do we consider the consequences of our own animal-ness? Today, let us look deep into the heritage of our being, tracing as far … Continue reading Heritage: Your Animal Heart (Video)
A Heritage of Learning : Book Communion (Video)
This week marks Banned Books Week, a time when we are called to consider the legacy of book banning throughout history and to take some time with these forbidden texts. We Unitarian Universalists have long been an academic folk; people who appreciate the learning for its own sake. This Sunday, let us live into that … Continue reading A Heritage of Learning : Book Communion (Video)
Welcoming Forgiveness: Yom Kippur (Video)
As we round out this month of many celebrations, let us turn to the Jewish tradition of Yom Kippur; the day of Atonement marking the end of the Days of Awe in the Jewish calendar. While we do not all hold one common idea on how our actions impact any here-afters we may experience, our … Continue reading Welcoming Forgiveness: Yom Kippur (Video)
Welcoming the Turning: Mabon (Video)
The Wheel turns and the time of balance returns. Whether we name the day Mabon, Alban Elfed, Harvest Home, or the Autumn Equinox, we mark the balance of day and night before the darkness overtakes the light, lifting up the final harvest of the year after the summer sun has ripened the fruit of fields and … Continue reading Welcoming the Turning: Mabon (Video)
Water Communion (Video)
Join us this Sunday for our annual homecoming ritual of Water Communion. As friends return, school restarts, and the earth prepares for the coming of Autumn, let us mingle our stories, our gifts, and the waters we bring as offerings. All participants are invited to bring some water to pour into the altar basin; a … Continue reading Water Communion (Video)
Centering in Gifts & Serving with Grace
Leadership is a loaded term: it comes with mental images and, for some of us, baggage. However, each of us brings gifts to the table and can serve our congregation in different ways. We are fulfilled when we are able to share those gifts. In this worship, your Board of Trustees talk about their own … Continue reading Centering in Gifts & Serving with Grace
Songs of Earth & Spirit (Video)
Join us this Sunday for a very special worship service as we invite famed UU songwriter and friend of our congregation, Jim Scott, back onto the chancel! We will explore the rich earth-centered theology of Jim’s music and the the transformational power of song. We will also honor those brave souls in the Dulcet Singers … Continue reading Songs of Earth & Spirit (Video)
The Garden and the Grounds (Video)
We are blessed to have such a magnificent space to celebrate our faith, to find community, and to deepen our relationship with Love and Mystery. The quality of a space transforms the experience of those who dwell within it. The groundskeepers are often overlooked, there tasks seen as mundane, but this could not be farther … Continue reading The Garden and the Grounds (Video)