Category: News

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Annual Reports Due May 5

Committee reports, updates, pictures, etc. that you would like to submit for the annual report are due to Jaime Short by May 5th. You may email items to or drop in the red folder on the door of the church office.


Coming in April & May, the Fund Raising Committee will be playing bingo! During the month of April, we will sell bingo cards for $5.00 apiece. Starting May 1st, we will draw 1 bingo number per day and send it to you via email. The first person to report their bingo will receive 25% of … Continue reading Bingo!

2U Parenting Group

Coming Soon: Contact Pete Miller or Monica Meier with questions and keep an eye out for more info soon! 

Help Decide the Future of Your Church. Your vote is needed!

Mark your calendars for Sunday, June 5 for our Annual Congregational Meeting. At least 35 % of our membership must be present to conduct business on behalf of the congregation. We will adopt a budget for the upcoming church year, elect officers to lead the congregation and decide other important matters. Second Unitarian by-laws state: … Continue reading Help Decide the Future of Your Church. Your vote is needed!

Meditation Group Change

The meditation Group will now be meeting on the third Wednesday of the month from 8 pm to 9pm! The group will meet in the Sanctuary. This change goes into effect Wednesday April 20th.

Stewardship Moments

As congregants of Second Unitarian, we have many changes coming our way in the next year, the biggest of which will be hiring a developmental minister to work with our congregation and move us towards our goals. There will, of course, be a stewardship campaign to fund those goals but there is more to this … Continue reading Stewardship Moments

Thank You KIOS and Sign Donors

The Marketing Advisory Council says thank you for all of the generous contributions which will help us get out the word about our church and its work. Recently we took up collections for our KIOS ads and for the new outdoor signs for the corner and in the parking lot. Sign contributors include: Clyde Anderson, … Continue reading Thank You KIOS and Sign Donors