Category: News

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Retirees’ Holiday Lunch

For the past several years, Retirees Group has celebrated the Holiday Season by lunching at a locally owned restaurant. This year, Retirees Group will meet at Omaha Rockets Kanteen, Tuesday, December 13th at 12:30. Omaha Rockets Kanteen is located in the Lake Point Center at 24th and Lake and is described as a “healthy soul … Continue reading Retirees’ Holiday Lunch

Loss at the Holidays

On Thursday, Dec. 8th, Rev. Cyndi will be leading the Pastoral Care Program, “Loss at the Holidays” from 7pm to 8:30pm at Second Unitarian Church. This program covers all types of losses, including death of a family member or friend, loss of job, loss of pet, relocation, and general “holiday blues.” Please join us in … Continue reading Loss at the Holidays

Safe & Sacred Space Tonight

Dear Friends, Blessings on your souls and spirits. I know that many of you are in shock, grieving and frightened. There is much to be concerned about with the results of this election, no matter what your politics are – many unanswered questions and much uncertainty. Here is what is true: If you are distressed … Continue reading Safe & Sacred Space Tonight

Meditation Group

Many of the problems in our country and in our world today are founded on hatred and ignorance. A very important aspect of Buddhism is called Metta, which means lovingkindness. In Metta meditation, one sends wishes of love and happiness – first to oneself, then to those you love, and then to those who hate you or … Continue reading Meditation Group


We will continue to collect KIOS donations until November 15th. Second Unitarian can bundle your KIOS Public Radio contribution with other KIOS donations to purchase ad spots for our church. Last year we raised over $1500 – which equated to a Friday afternoon ad for almost a whole year! To date we have collected $1100! Can … Continue reading KIOS FUNDRAISER

November Worship

November’s Worship theme is Gratitude. Gratitude certainly is the quality of being thankful. More dynamically, it is also the readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. That is, when we are the receivers of kindness in any way, gratitude is also about being ready to return that kindness, as well as appreciate it. … Continue reading November Worship

Leadership 101

This is an exciting opportunity for all members to be involved in personal growth. Being comfortable in a leadership position is a skill anyone can learn. Your own comfort level will change by attending this workshop and learning how Second Unitarian does its work as well as gaining confidence in your own leadership skills. More information will … Continue reading Leadership 101


Ballot language concerning the death penalty is confusing. To get rid of the death penalty in Nebraska vote to RETAIN LB 268.