Spring Church Cleanup Saturday, April 5th from 8:00 am to Noon

We will have plenty of tasks for everyone!

Weather permitting, much of our focus will be on getting the church yard in shape for the growing season to make our landscape gardens beautiful with flowers and ornamental plants. We also plan to remove those thorny barberry plants by the walk to the church entrance and repair the irrigation system.

We also hope to accomplish: clean windows inside and out, clean the Sanctuary chairs, move the dumpster sign, fix the stormwater drainage problem on the southeast side of the building, and maybe do some painting in Basement area.

Although we have a supply of tools, feel free to bring your own tools. And don’t forget your work gloves. We appreciate our volunteers even for just a few hours.

Another Work Day is planned for Saturday morning, May 3rd to get the church yard ready for the May Day Festival that afternoon.