2024 PRIDE Parade and Festival – Hot, Uplifting, Filled with Love!

Twenty people of all ages are gathered just prior to marching in the 2024 Heartland Pride Parade. Two are holding a banner that bears the words, "Second Unitarian Church of Omaha" and "Open Arms Trans Social Group (OATS)" with a "LGBTQ" rainbow logo. Many of the people are wearing yellow shirts with "Side With Love" printed on them. Several are holding rainbow-striped umbrellas. A young girl is holding a poster she made for the parade.
2U members and friends ready to march at the 2024 Heartland PRIDE Parade.

Last Saturday despite the heat, around 20 fun-loving 2U folks marched in the 2024 Heartland PRIDE Parade. We found ourselves in great company as close to 200 groups walked the parade route, with thousands watching!

This beautiful display of love and support for our LGBTQIA2S+ community was especially uplifting after a couple of very challenging years for our trans community in our state legislature. As we handed out wildflower seed packets and interacted with parade watchers, we all cheered each other on.

Woman standing in Second Unitarian Church's Pride booth. Banner hanging from back of booth displays the words, "Be kind to all; Respect all beings; Do what is right; Seek the flame of truth; Search to grow; Value the earth; and Fight for justice."

Second Unitarian’s booth at Pride Festival.

2U folks were also on hand to greet festival-goers at our booth at the CHI Center. During Friday evening’s Youth Event and Saturday’s Festival, we chatted with people about our church and our Open Arms Trans Social Group (OATS).

Be sure to come join in the fun next year. It’s a guaranteed pick-you-up that will leave you with a smile on your face for the rest of the weekend!

Happy Pride!

Photos provided by Molly Kliment-Jenkins and Kathy Bell