RNUU: Exploring Druidry, Ancient and Modern
Friday, March 17th at 6 p.m. in the 2U Sanctuary
All are invited to a time of reflection, discussion, and fellowship for our second meeting of the Religious Naturalists of Unitarian Universalism (RNUU). We are a group of seekers called to the intersections of faith and nature; exploring the spiritual fruits born from the illuminations of science, lifting up ways of living that bring us closer to the more-than-human-world, and sharing our personal sense of mystery and wonder while encouraging the spiritual growth of all.
We will be gathering in person, this Friday at 6 p.m. in the 2nd Unitarian Sanctuary for a special St. Patrick’s Day exploration of Druidry; a tradition belonging to the pre-Roman British islands now rekindled as a spiritual path and perspective with value for seekers both secular and spirit-centered. Rev. Juniper will lead the discussion. Bring a snack to share!