Please plan to attend our Annual Congregational Meeting on Saturday June 10th at 10 a.m. via ZOOM
It’s been quite a year and we are ready for our Annual Congregational Meeting to:
- Approve the budget for the 2023 – 2024 church year.
- Approve our new slate of church officers (See the next article.)
- Approve our delegates to the upcoming UUA General Assembly
- Ceding the South Property Boundary
- By Law Revisions for Fiscal (Article 12, Section 12.4) and Endowment (Article 14, Section 14.6)
To officially execute our church business, we must have a quorum of 35% of our members present. So please join the Annual Congregational Meeting on Saturday, June 10th at 10 a.m. Here is the Zoom Link.
Membership must have been validated 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting and a financial contribution needs to be received and recorded at the church office by June 8th.