We offer religious education on the lower level on the first Sunday of each month. Starting at age 5, children are encouraged to join their friends and teachers for valuable lessons about being Unitarian Universalists, relationship building, service projects AND MORE!
Will we joyfully welcome children who are not registered? Absolutely!
But please do register your kids – even if you’re unsure what level of participation your family is able to reach. Here’s why:
- When families are registered I know how many teaching volunteers we will need. I will know if we will be having one multi-age classroom or several classes broken down by grade level. In short, I can create better programming with more information!
- We report those numbers to the UUA! The number of registered students vs. drop-in students varies widely and we want to make sure that everyone gets counted.
- Registering puts you on my monthly email list so that you can be kept aware of what’s happening in RE, what events are coming up, volunteer opportunities, etc… and I send out resources to make it easier to incorporate our UU values at home. Even if you don’t make it to many services, we still want you to know about the work we do Monday – Saturday.
Contact Ashleigh at dre@2uomaha.org.