The First Hour session on June 12th, 9 – 10:15 a.m., will be dedicated to helping us understand Committee on Ministry. How should this group function to support everyone in the congregation as we minister to each other, connect with our new professional minister, and interact with the wider community? The session will be led by Rev. Lisa Presley, Congregational Life Consultant for the Mid-America Region of the UUA.
Lisa is a life-long Unitarian Universalist who was an active lay leader before attending seminary. As a lay leader she was board president, board member, worship associate, stewardship campaign chair, religious education teacher, bookkeeper, secretary, and snow shoveler as well as completing many other “duties as assigned”. She has served congregations as interim minister (Calgary AB, Rochester MI, Naperville IL, San Rafael CA), and as settled minister (Southfield MI). Her work for first the Heartland District and now the Mid-America Region includes mentoring, teaching, and working with congregations in all aspects of congregational life.
First Hour is open to all members and interested people and is offered as a hybrid event – in person and over Zoom. Please register here so we know how many people to expect. Lisa will be joining us via Zoom.
~ Pam Curtiss-Smith and Cheri Cody