News Update 1/30/13


Practice gardening using the principles of organic and sustainable gardening.  Get a plot in our Second Unitarian’s Community Garden.  Information about our garden and how to sign up for a plot will be discussed on Saturday, February 2, 11 a.m., downstairs at church.  Each plot is big enough for a few tomato plants, peppers, lettuce, cabbages, pole beans, herbs, or hill cucumbers. For more information, contact Marco Ballarin or Vicki Pratt.


There will be no Second Circle on Sunday mornings in February. The Sunday morning program for teens is “under construction” as we assess what the needs are and whether Sunday morning is the best venue to meet those needs.  We continue to ponder options and will keep you posted as we progress. Please share your thoughts and ideas with Anita Jeck or Gay Robinson Abraham as we give thought to this important segment of our church community.


TEENS:  Join us for a YRUU (Young Religious Unitarian Universalists) Overnight, 8 p.m. Friday, February 8, through 8 a.m. Saturday, February 9, at First Unitarian Church.  We will watch a movie, play games, try team-building exercises, and snack all night. It’s a chance to visit topics and activities that we generally don’t have time for on Wednesday nights. PARENTS:  We are looking for volunteer chaperones that night. Contact Naomi Solomon if you are willing to help.


Join the Social Justice Committee and the Omaha Time Exchange on Sunday, February 10, for Social Justice Movie Night with the film Fixing the Future.  The film will be shown at 6 p.m., preceded by an optional potluck dinner at 5:30—bring a dish to share. The film highlights effective local practices such as time banking/hour exchange, local business alliances, community banking, worker cooperatives, and local currencies.  Following the film, the Omaha Time Exchange will provide information on fixing the future in Omaha.


The Radio Talking Book Service (RTBS) of Nebraska will be the subject at 1 p.m., Tuesday, February 12. Director John Fullerton will describe its objectives and operations, who and how it benefits, and its sources of funds.  RTBS offers volunteer opportunities — perhaps you’ll discover a talent you didn’t know you have. You also may know some visually impaired person who would enjoy radio programming that is informative and entertaining for the mind.


One half of Second Unitarian’s offering received in February will go to RESPECT.  Their educational theatre presentations on bullying in schools reach approximately 40,000 students a year. RESPECT’s goals are to decrease the acts of bullying and to empower kids and adults who may be on the sidelines to take action and stand up to help a target. To nominate an organization for our Share the Plate program, visit the church website or contact the Social Justice Coordinating Council or Rev. Scott.


Contribution Statements for the 2012 tax year were emailed to you.   If you unable to print the statement or you want me to mail one to you, please let Pat Caffrey know.  Statements for those without email were mailed on January 26. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Pat.  Thank you!


In the event of Sunday service cancellation, the church phone at 402-334-0537 will be the first notification, and when possible that will be done by 7:00 a.m. on the Sunday in question. Other notifications will be posted and sent following that. If weather or road conditions cause services or a major church event to be canceled, we will also send a message to the weekly email list and place a message on the church website. In case of a service cancellation, we will also contact local media with our information.