Since 2011 we have donated half our offering each Sunday to social justice agencies. We call this Share the Plate! We do this to further partnerships and effect change in the greater Omaha community.
One half of the offering received during February will be given to Siena/Francis House. Siena/Francis House provides emergency overnight shelter to men, women, and women with children, food to the homeless, clothing, case management outreach services, and a residential addiction recovery program. To nominate an organization for our Share the Plate program, visit the church … Continue reading February: Siena/Francis House
One half of the offering received during January will be given to Together, Inc. of Omaha, a local non-profit, homelessness prevention agency. Clients are working families, single parents, and others who struggle to put food on the table. Together, Inc. provides food, counseling for social services, help with rent payments, bus tickets to work, computer … Continue reading January: Together, Inc.
One half of the offering received during December will be given to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund. The Fund assists people in need, offers scholarships and funding for education and development, and purchases unbudgeted items for the church’s needs. Historically, this fund has been used primarily to pay for needs for people connected to the congregation. … Continue reading December: Minister’s Discretionary Fund
One half of the offering received during November will be given to Nebraska AIDS Project (NAP) NAP’s mission is to lead the community in the fight to overcome HIV/AIDS and its stigma through education, supportive services, and advocacy. To nominate an organization for our Share the Plate program, visit the church website or contact … Continue reading November: Nebraska AIDS Project
Our first Share the Plate recipient will be in support of Neighbors United and our continued participation in their Community Meal. Each Saturday, different congregations cook food for those in need of a good meal and good conversation. Second Unitarian will be the cooks and servers on September 17th, at First Baptist Church (421 Park … Continue reading September: Community Meal – Neighbors United