Category: News

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Lunch for Newcomers Dec

Lunch for Newcomers will be held at 12:45 p.m. Sunday, December 8, in the main room downstairs. This small, informal monthly meal is a great opportunity for visitors to become better acquainted with our church and to ask any questions you may have about Unitarian Universalism or this church. Children are welcome! For more information, … Continue reading Lunch for Newcomers Dec

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! This week, I wanted to include a meditation, written by Brian Nelson: When many [people] return to their families for Thanksgiving they are shocked by the changed landscape. The trees are grey, barren, stark. In our memories of cherished places, we tend to picture them at their best, rich … Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving!

Celebration of Hanukkah and Vigil for Immigration Reform

Rabbi Ariyeh Azriel of Temple Israel, leaders of Omaha Together One Community, Nebraska Appleseed, Catholic Charities and other organizations invite everyone to celebrate the 7th day of Hanukkah at a vigil for immigration reform on Tuesday, December 3, from 6:00 to 6:30 pm at the federal building plaza, 18th and Douglas. We will light the … Continue reading Celebration of Hanukkah and Vigil for Immigration Reform

Adopt a Family!

We at Second Unitarian are fortunate to have a loving community of friends with whom to celebrate our joys, ease the pain of our sorrows, and join in the fellowship that surrounds the winter holiday season. As we know, many people do not have these same privileges or the means to celebrate the season with … Continue reading Adopt a Family! purchases can benefit the church

Your online purchases can help the church!  Here’s how:  type into your browser.  When you visit Amazon using that link, a percentage of your purchase will be donated to the church.  What a great and painless way to shop and help the church at the same time!