Category: News

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Social Justice Alert: Retain LB268

In 2015 Nebraska lawmakers voted to replace Nebraska’s death penalty with mandatory life imprisonment. They passed LB268. Getting rid of Nebraska’s death penalty came up in our congregation during Listening Sessions last fall. The Listening Sessions were part of our local congregation-based community organizing, Omaha Together One Community (OTOC). The question is now on the … Continue reading Social Justice Alert: Retain LB268

Rev. Cyndi Update

Just a few more weeks until Rev. Cyndi Simpson joins us! Her first Sunday with us will be August 28th. Here’s a glimpse into the Search Team’s first impressions of our new minister! The Search Team was impressed by Cyndi’s energy and eloquence in our interviews over Skype. Further conversations with her references only confirmed that our … Continue reading Rev. Cyndi Update

Journey of Hope: From Violence to Healing speaking tour in Nebraska

OTOC encourages everyone to hear one of these national speakers who are coming to Nebraska in support of RETAINing the end of the death penalty.  This question is on the November 8 ballot.  From July 17 through July 24 former death row inmates who have been exonerated, relatives of crime victims who have sought to … Continue reading Journey of Hope: From Violence to Healing speaking tour in Nebraska

A Tribute to Orlando

Starting Wednesday, June 15th we invite you to come to church and make a prayer flag. Our hope is that people will be able to process through some of their feelings, while working to make a symbol that we can hang outside to show 2U’s support of the LGBTQ community. We would like to make … Continue reading A Tribute to Orlando

Attention Committee Chairs!

In order to be reimbursed using your 2015-16 Operating Expense budget money, signed check request forms must be to the Office Administration by Monday, June 27. Check request forms can be found HERE or on the OA’s office door. Completed requests can be put in the red folder on the OA’s office door or email … Continue reading Attention Committee Chairs!